Cybersecurity Audit

90% of cyberattacks are initiated through email – Find out how secure your Business is with a Cybersecurity Audit

Types of Cybersecurity Audit available

Email Security Audit


A score out of 100 which covers the overall performance of the website. An SEO review is also included.

Business Security Audit


An audit to evaluate the overall security of a Business.

IT Overview


An overview of all Business IT systems and the network to see what improvements need to be made.

Simulated Phishing Test

A Test to see how prepared the Business is against a phishing attack.

Dark Web Monitoring

Scanning the dark web to see if your data has been leaked.

Penetration Test

Ethical Hacking a Business to see how secure it actually is against modern cyber threats.

Almost half of UK Businesses suffered a cybersecurity breach or attack in 2021:


Of these were SMEs.


of SMEs that are hit by a cyberattack go out of Business within 6 months. The use of malware increased by


through 2020. July 2020 alone saw a


increase in malicious activity compared to the same month in 2019.

Get In Touch

*The details you provide in this contact form will be sent over to our IT Support & Cybersecurity partner, Shepherd IT Services, for the purpose of contacting and auditing your Business. By pressing *submit*, you give us permission to do this. For more information on how they handle your data, call 01256 596525

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Shepherd IT Services